Saturday 3 September 2011

Apollo 18

Apollo 18, I can assure you, is not a sequel of Ron Howard’s Apollo 13, far from it. I suspect that it’s one of those hybrid films that were discussed to death in The Player. This time it’s The Blair Witch Project meets Apollo 13. Of course this is also an effect of the Hollywood industrial process and how we end up with films like Titanic.
Anyway the premise of this is that there was a secret Apollo mission that was based on defence and not exploration. Well come off it, the rockets that delivered the modules into space were designed to deliver nuclear warheads to the Warsaw Pact. Space exploration has always been about defence so what the make the distinction that this was different. Oh because they told no one about it. There are other glaring flaws in internal logic, but that would give too much away to go into that.
I think as well we’ve passed the Emperor’s New Clothes moment a while back with Blair Witch, Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity etc. This is purported to be based on footage shot by the Astronauts, it clearly isn’t. How convenient that all three of them were at a barbeque when one of them was rung to get the news that they were going back to the moon. Does NASA not have meetings, in official buildings to discuss this? If this mission was so secret why tell them on the phone at their home when they’ve been drinking, so they can blurt to their kids ‘we’re going to the moon, oh bugger I didn’t mean to say that’. You may believe this might have happened, I sincerely hope that you don’t

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